- 御魂使主遊戲 連 全部擴充包括:
- 主遊戲連立牌及模型
- 禁忌的篇章擴充
- 凱蒂的日誌擴充
- 「梟雄」擴充
- 御魂使主遊戲包括:
- 主遊戲連立牌及模型
- 「梟雄」擴充
- 御魂使主遊戲 連 全部擴充包括:
- 主遊戲連立牌
- 禁忌的篇章擴充
- 凱蒂的日誌擴充
- 「梟雄」擴充
- 御魂使主遊戲 連 「梟雄」擴充包括:
- 主遊戲連立牌
- 「梟雄」擴充
西元5869年 故事舞台在遙遠未來的日本
這是個人類永生不死,自由轉移意識到其他身體的時代。 從某次意外長眠而甦醒的你,發現到這世界已不如往常.... 城市一片死寂,唯有霓虹燈、
刺骨寒風以及斷壁殘垣。周遭毫無生機,同末日般的景象。 歡迎來到《御魂使》的世界,致命的AI正在殲滅最後的人類倖存者們。
《御魂使》這款遊戲採用非線性故事系統。玩家在戰役中,面對不同的行動路線抉擇,進而導致故事發展的變化,進入不同結局。 在遊戲剛開盒時,
許多配件屬於鎖定內容,一旦玩家通關指定的結局,或達成戰役中重要的成就,才能解鎖這些內容。 相反地,若不幸地在某些戰役中落敗,
Tamashii is a cyberpunk adventure board game with a post-apocalyptic vibe. Players will struggle to survive and pursue their agendas in two worlds at the same time - the physical one, filled with deadly machines and merciless human survivors, and the virtual one, prowled by tracking software and vicious viruses.
Players will try to achieve their goals on a modular city map. They will find new locations, fight against strong enemies and search for important information and files needed to win the game.
The second part of the game takes action on a virtual map. Here you will try to hack your opponents, unlock special bonuses or get one-time bonuses for completing the sequences.
The game may be played in different scenarios. You might have to cooperate with other players, play against them or even make an alliances with your enemies. But watch every step you take; every conflict, cooperation or alliance might be a double-edged sword.