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奪心魔蟲: 超進化 及 超永恆 Mindbug: Beyond Evolution & Beyond Eternity Bundle

奪心魔蟲: 超進化 及 超永恆 Mindbug: Beyond Evolution & Beyond Eternity Bundle

定價 HK$330.00
定價 HK$330.00 售價 HK$330.00
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奪心魔蟲: 超進化 及 超永恆 Mindbug: Beyond Evolution & Beyond Eternity Bundle




此貨品包括了奪心魔蟲: 超進化  超永恆


奪心魔蟲: 超進化

奪心魔蟲: 超進化係一款獨立遊嘅擴充。喺奪心魔蟲: 超進化中,新加了進化玩法。三段進化中不單單數值會提升,連帶技能都會一齊升級。

奪心魔蟲: 超進化可以獨立遊,或者加入奪心魔蟲奪心魔蟲: 超永恆一起遊戲。

奪心魔蟲: 超永恆

奪心魔蟲: 超進化係一款獨立遊戲嘅擴充。奪心魔蟲: 超永恆中,新加了可以係棄牌堆中生效嘅能力。為你帶來全新嘅戰術同組合技。

心魔蟲: 超永恆可以獨立遊,或者加入奪心魔蟲奪心魔蟲: 超進化一起遊戲。

 Mindbug: Beyond Evolution

In this stand alone expansion, Mindbug: Beyond Evolution introduces the Evolve effect to certain cards allowing to play through a 3 stage evolution line with changing creature abilities.

This expansion can be played on its own, or mixed with Mindbug: First Contact or Mindbug: Beyond Eternity.

Mindbug: Beyond Eternity

In this stand alone expansion, Mindbug: Beyond Eternity introduces the Boost ability where you can use cards from your graveyard to give your creatures a +1 boost in power. Also cards can have effects when in your graveyard, such as making them stronger.

This expansion can be played on its own, or mixed with Mindbug: First Contact or Mindbug: Beyond Evolution.



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